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There are many features in Pingotec. Some of the features are:


oObject layers, where every text object is on a separate layer that can be moved, rotated, resized or deleted.

oText can be created in many ways:

As the mouse moves

After a line is drawn on the screen

Varied in size as the mouse is moved faster and slower

oYou can create plain text or "squirly" text. Squirly text can also be created in different ways:

As the mouse moves

Between two lines (Plain lines or Bezier lines for smoother curves)

In different sizes as the speed of the mouse changes

As mirrored text

As vertical upright text

By tracing shapes from a background image

oWhile text is drawn, it can be:

Filled with a solid color with optional outline in a different color

Filled with a pattern. Some patterns are supplied but you can make any pattern using Photoshop or another drawing program.

Filled using a background image you have loaded. The background image can be .JPG, .PNG, .TIF or .BMP format.


oText can be drawn instantly by tracing shapes from the background. The pinpoint methods allow great precision for doing this.

oImages can be added to the Drawing Board using drag and drop so you can integrate images into your artwork. Images, like text, are on their own layer.

oThe Drawing Board can be resized anytime and a background can be loaded when needed.

oPingotec Pro will run as a 64 bit program if run on a 64 bit computer, otherwise it will run as a 32 bit program.